NAFSCE is a membership organization that focuses on advancing school, family, and community engagement. Its stated mission is to, “Advance high-impact policies and practices for family, school, and community engagement to promote child development and improve student achievement.” The Resources section includes a searchable database of articles, some of which are free and some which require membership to access. National Association for Family, School and Commnunity Engagement
This is a curated collection of recent articles about various issues related to family engagement in young children’s development. There are articles in English and Spanish. Family Engagement.
CCGI is a non-profit that manages, the State of California’s college- and career- planning platform. K-12 districts in College Next regions can access all the data-informed functionality available on free of charge. By leveraging the resources, students will experience easier transitions as they move from high school into college and career. Parents can track progress on college and career-planning activities and tools to increase “a-g” completion. K-12 educators and college outreach staff can track students individually or in the aggregate to inform guidance and necessary interventions.
This toolkit is a resource for organizations and community leaders who are interested in giving parents and other adults who care for children a voice in planning initiatives and programs that specifically target dropout reduction. Four target areas are: attendance every day; achievement every year; attainment over time; and, advocacy for all. America’s Promise Alliance.
Curated by Common Sense Media, this toolkit is intended to provide resources educators may share with parents to help them help their children be good digital citizens. Common Sense Education.
Four free online courses designed to help educators increase their skills in dealing with finding and evaluating information, bias in big data and algorithms, how misinformation and disinformation propaganda is created, and making media today. KQED Teach is a project of KQED Education. KQED Teach
Parents can use this page to access resources that explain academic standards, parents’ rights, state and federal programs, and other resources related to family engagement. Parent/Family
Middle school teacher Heather Wolpert-Gawron of San Gabriel, CA shares eight suggestions for effectively increasing parent engagement with their child’s school and. These guidelines are appropriate for use by individual teacher, school sites, and district staff. The Eight Ps of Parent Engagement